Barren Theme Demo

Theme installation

For our clients’ convenience, there is a free Installation service.

You can install your theme by yourself if you like. It is rather simple, use the following instructions.

Step 1. Preparation 

Before you proceed to set up your support portal theme, make sure you are fully prepared. Please complete the following preparation steps:

  • Unzip Theme .zip archive package. The templates are downloaded as a single .zip archive package. The package consists of several folders: "css" folder contains CSS-files, "img" folder contains background images and icons for custom-made blocks, "templates" folder contains HTML-files for all kind of support portal pages, "js" folder contains Javascript files for the theme.
  • Go to "Admin -> Helpdesk" and turn "Forums" on.

  • Follow Admin -> Support Channels -> Portals link at the top bar panel.

  • Click the "Customize portal" link at the top bar panel. On this page you're able to change logo as well.

  • If you are using a standard theme, Freshdesk will make a copy of it. Any changes you make are applied to the copy, not the original. You can revert to the original theme at any time. If you use a customized theme, make a copy of all the code and save it locally before installing the new theme.

Step 2. CSS update

  • Turn off the "Include mobile friendly stylesheet" option if you have it. To use the theme on mobile devices, the "mobile layout" option should be turned off at your Freshdesk portal settings ( Stylesheet -> Mobile friendly stylesheet)
  • Click the "Stylesheet" tab and delete all the content from the code view. 
  • Paste CSS-code. Open the theme package "css" folder. Past the css-code to the "CSS" tab content area.
  • Click "Save".

Step 3. HTML update

  • Click "Layout and pages" tab and delete all the content from the code view. 
  • Choose a page template.
  • Paste HTML-code. Open the theme package "templates" folder. Find the file with the same name as the page template from the previous point. Drag and drop the file to the corresponding code view.
  • Click "Save".
  • Repeat all the substeps of step 3 for each page type in Freshdesk theme editor.

Step 4. Publish changes

  • Now you can test the new theme with your real content in a preview mode. Your support portal visitors see the previous theme, since the new one is not published yet.
  • When you're ready to implement the changes, click "Publish" at the bottom of the page.


You can view the theme as an end-user or an anonymous if you select the corresponding option at the bottom right drop-down menu ("Preview"). 

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